True North Safety Safer Together Authorized Instructor Program (AIP) is geared towards in house company trainers and health and safety personnel who manage and facilitate in-house operator training.

Our AIP 3 day program provides the tools, resources, materials, and skills to enable instructors to certify operators in-house. The AIP candidates will receive comprehensive instruction on how to successfully present theory, mentor and evaluate operators.

As an extension to our Safer Together Operator Training Program, the AIP curriculum is a proven method to start your in-house operator training program.

Our AIP is specific and customized to your operations, your equipment and your workplace policies.

Training Topics

  • How to effectively communicate classroom theory concepts
  • How to manage and facilitate a proven operator program
  • Methods and best practices to coach and mentor operators
  • Techniques to effectively evaluate performance
  • Precise training record management processes and procedures

Our AIP programs are not make or model specific, our program covers concepts to most types of MEWP, Forklifts, Overhead Crane… Our programs are available for all material handling equipment (Classes 1-7), Mobile Elevated Work Platforms, Overhead Crane and Fall Protection.

Additional Information:

The course meets or exceeds the following requirements: Canada OH&S and the CSA Standards B335, B334, B167.